This blog follows a bit of our personal and professional life, and features images from weddings and portrait sessions we've done, the places we traveled, and the adventures of our combined family-life. It's basically an ever-changing photo album combined with an information source for current and potential clients. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Central MA Family Photo Session - Waters Farm, Sutton

Hey ya'll ...it's been a long while since we blogged about our photography adventures, so here's one we thought we'd share because it's truly one of our favorites ever

In early October we spent some time with Amy and Matt at Waters Farm in Sutton, and wow, did we capture some awesome fall color that day!  The weather was gorgeous, and the children were a joy.  Here are what we believe to be the best of the bunch from their session.

Now that Christmas is here, the family is enjoying their gorgeous wall collage above the family room sofa as they sit by a crackling fire and reminisce about the fun times they've shared together.